Dear Prayer Partners,

Many of you have asked so here’s a quick update – I’m still dealing with sinus junk but seem to be doing a little better. Yes, I’ve had my flu shot. Yes, I’ve had my second COVID booster (and tested negative). I don’t know if it’s allergies or a cold, whatever it is, it’s no fun.
However, even if I have to crawl to the polls tomorrow, I am going to vote! I will wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and do my best to stay away from others. Please vote tomorrow and pray for the outcome of the election.

Here’s an update on Larry McCarty from one of our Prayer Partners, Linda Lemen…

I heard from Larry McCarty’s daughter and they have taken Larry by ambulance to KU Med. He is ok, they just wanted him to be there where they feel they might be able to help him heal. He spent weekend at home and really enjoyed that. He seemed to eat better at home.
Continue to lift him up in prayer for healing. Pray also that the medical staff at KU will know what he needs to heal. Mostly pray for the will of our Great Physician to touch Larry’s body.
Blessings, Linda

This next request comes from our Missionary friend and fellow Prayer Partner, David Daniel…

Brother Ron and Prayer Partners,
A gentleman I have known for many years has developed some type of cancer behind his left eye. The swelling around the eye is such he can barely see out but has at least partial vision. His right eye is good. He continues to do mechanic work and body work but this week he is to go to St Louis to have some protection as a shield to cover his teeth during radiation treatment. After the radiation he still has to put the shield on his teeth every day for the rest of his life to keep his teeth healthy in order to save his real teeth. Please pray for complete healing that he may life a long healthy life. Thanks in advance for your prayers.
Also I will return to the Philippines in December to lead lost souls to Christ. I want to be as effective as I can possibly be in reaching the lost. The Philippines is the most ripe for the harvest of souls of any country I have done mission work. Please pray my health will be good as I plan for 10-month mission trip.
Again, thanks in advance for your prayers. Missionary David Daniel

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