(Publicity Photos are available here)
Evangelism Experience…
1981 Licensed to the Gospel Ministry
1986 Ordained to the Gospel Ministry
1987 Formed Ron Mills Ministries, Inc. and received tax exempt status from the I.R.S., State of Missouri, and Jackson County.
1992 Secretary of Fellowship Of Missouri Baptist Evangelists.
1993 Vice President of Fellowship Of Missouri Baptists
1994 -1996 President of Fellowship Of Missouri Baptists Evangelists
1997 Authored and published, “Majesty of the Miraculous.” A book dealing with the miraculous power of God.
1997 Began an extensive Cassette Tape ministry, through which many have come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
1998 Published the book, “From Pit to Prime Minister.” An epic on the life of Joseph
1999 Authored and published, “Darkness…Drawing Close to God in Difficult Times.” A book dealing with the topic of suffering and adversity.
2017 Authored and published, “A Snowball Rolled Through My Kitchen… Lessons Learned While Living Life.”
Secular Work Experience…
1971-1975 Worked for several auto dealers as a mechanic. Some of these include Shawnee Mission Ford, Bob Mondell Ford, Mark Lincoln/Mercury, Scherill Minter Ford, Crosstown Lincoln/Mercury, and Bob Sight Lincoln/Mercury.
1975-1987 Fred Smith Lincoln/Mercury: General mechanic specializing in automatic transmissions, engine computers, tune-up, and electrical work.
Education Experience…
1971 Graduated from Van Horn High School, Kansas City, MO.
1981-1985 Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL.
1985-1989 Three two-week tours of Israel – March ’85, March ’88, and March ’89.
1988-1990 Bethany Seminary, Dothan, AL – Associate in Biblical Studies, Summa Cum Laude.
1994 Billy Graham’s North American Conference For Itinerant Evangelists, Louisville, KY.
Conversion Experience…
The church had never been a part of my family’s priorities. From time to time I went to church as a child and was exposed to the gospel as a teenager.
In 1980, after experiencing many financial problems, marital problems, and the extreme physical illness of my daughter, I became aware that I was not in control of the circumstances surrounding my life. Feeling very alone and helpless, I turned to the only escape I knew — the world. Depression set in and a desperation for help.
In February of 1980, through a long series of circumstances, I watched a television program that began to change the way I thought about God. Through that program I saw a glimmer of hope and began to search for answers. I read the Bible as a new source of hope.
In March of 1980, I repented from my sin, and ask God to forgive me, and invited Jesus Christ to come into my heart to be my Lord. On May 5, 1980, I was obedient to the Lord in believer’s baptism, and preached my first sermon in September of 1980.
The Lord performed many wonderful miracles in my early Christian life which deepened my love for my Savior and brought about some very rapid growth. God not only healed the relationship between my wife and I, but made our marriage better than I ever expected it could be. Two weeks after my conversion, God restored the health of my daughter. The desire for the things of the world simply vanished as I truly became a new creation in Christ Jesus!
Call Experience…
Perhaps the most difficult task in explaining my call experience is to try to put on paper the impressions the Holy Spirit placed on my heart.
About six months after I was saved I began to sense a deeper and growing burden to see not only lost people come to Christ but to see a heaven sent revival in the church of Jesus Christ. Even as a new Christian with limited knowledge of the Word of God, I knew all was not right with the body of Christ. The more I saw of Christians, the more I was reminded why lost folks didn’t want anything to do with the church.
This burden continued to grow to the point that I could no longer deny the calling of the Lord to “Go and stir my people.” After surrendering my life to ministering to the body of Christ, there was an immediate confirmation from the Holy Spirit that this was Gods will. I really don’t believe I could ever be fulfilled doing anything other than preaching the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.