Dear Prayer Partners,
Pastor Lee Sisney is our Worship Pastor at FBC, Blue Springs and tonight at church he asked for prayer. Tuesday afternoon at 4pm he is going to have a Polyp removed from his vocal cord. His doctor was very encouraging about the procedure, but Lee will still have to limit the use of his voice for a time.
Please pray for a successful removal and speedy recovery.

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10 Minutes

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Dear Prayer Partners,
Leo & Lela Eisert are Fellow Prayer Partners, friends, and fellow church members. They asked that we would please add their son, Leo jr. to our prayer list.
Leo jr. recently had a bone marrow biopsy that showed some cancer cells. He is scheduled to receive 30 days of chemotherapy beginning on Tuesday, August 29th at a hospital in Denver, Colorado. Sometime after that he will have a stem cell transplant.
Please keep their entire family in your prayers.

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Dear Prayer Partners,
I just received the following update from Larry Wilhite concerning his granddaughter, Rose…

Rose still has fluid around her heart. The cardiologist wants to try steroids and another echo cardiogram in 3 weeks. They are trying to keep from doing another surgery.
Thank you and all the Prayer Partners for prayers.
Larry & Julia

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Dear Prayer Partners,
I’ve had a lot of folks asking about Rose Wilhite… I haven’t heard from the family this week and I hate to bother them. As soon as I hear anything I’ll be sure to let you know. Until then, we’ll keep praying and asking the Lord to remove the fluid from around her heart, and to help her family.
God bless.

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Dear Prayer Partners,
Please take a moment and voice a special prayer for Rose Wilhite. The fluid is still around her heart and the family is waiting to hear from the doctors if another surgery will be necessary. It’s tough enough to be 5 yrs. old and have one major heart surgery, but I can’t imagine having to go through that again.
Our God is able!

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